Drug-Facilitated Crime Testing Kit
The Green Screen is a kit being used in Columbia, South Carolina to help identify, investigate, and end involuntary druggings.
The contents of the Green Screen include a blood and urine collection kit, consent form, and advocacy booklet that helps victims track critical information while understanding the crime, how it affects their health, and options for next steps.
The Green Screen is available now at Providence Hospital as well as Prisma Health Baptist, Richland, and Parkridge hospitals in Columbia.
Identify Suspected
Victims by Signs
Tingling or Numbness
Sudden Loss of Consciousness
Sudden Change in Ability to Move, Think, or Communicate
Retrograde Amnesia
Get Victim
to the Hospital
The health of the victim takes top priority during involuntary druggings.
It is critical to ensure they get the care they need at the closest hospital without delay. This is also where health care professionals can begin the Green Screen.
Sharing with
Law Enforcement
A consent form is signed and blood and urine
are collected.
An incident report is
filed through law enforcement, documenting the events. The kit is
sealed and sent for
testing, maintaining chain of custody.
Support and Resources
for Victims
The Green Screen advocacy booklet has useful information and resources including the definition of drug-facilitated crime, how the Green Screen works, optional next steps, and a guide to getting your results from the officer or detective assigned to your case.
More About Our Crisis Response Consulting
SASS Go works with institutions and leaders to establish high functioning and efficient response systems in advance of and in response to a crisis. We also work with survivors and their families to help them efficiently and effectively navigate the legal, medical, advocacy, counseling, and law enforcement systems to ensure critical support and preservation of options.
Your donations help us provide Green Screen kits to hospitals, victims, and law enforcement while educating communities on the prevalence and detection of drug-facilitated crimes.
As we work alongside dedicated agencies,
we are identifying, addressing,
and stopping involuntary druggings in Columbia, South Carolina together.
SASS Go covers the cost of Green Screen packaging, booklets, education, and distribution.
Thank you for your help!